Cheryl Robertson's Whole Moon Page

NOTE: I am in the process of overhauling this enormous site due to changing
standards, YouTube's dropping of Flash, and other multimedia issues. Thanks for your patience!

This site makes extensive use of background music!
If you cannot hear music or the poems read, you can email me for the Crescendo or TrueSpeech plugins.

Enjoy the MIDI music currently playing!

Now Playing:
Man In The Moon by Erasure

The Moon, The Whole Moon and
Nothing But The Moon!

(An Educational Resource)



An amateur astronomer must always have a specialty; the Moon is mine. The Moon has been a source of unceasing mystery and speculation since the dawn of time, casting its shadow into the customs of many lands. The Moon has been the stuff of poetry, romance, enchantments, and things that go bump in the night. Virtually thousands of beliefs and legends have evolved around the moon throughout history, encompassing its shifting faces and aspects. There have been tales, poems and songs written about the moon, both in modern and ancient times, as traditions pass down from generation to generation.


In mid July of 1969 NASA launched its manned spacecraft, 'Apollo 11', and the first man set foot upon the surface of the moon. On July 20th 1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong, Commander of Apollo 11 walked the first step, followed shortly by lunar module pilot Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. Twelve people in all have walked on the Moon since that launch. All manned lunar landings took place in a period of only 3 1/2 years, between July 1969 and December 1972 as part of the Apollo program. NASA launched its last manned spacecraft 'Apollo 17', December 1972 with Astronaut "Moonwalkers" Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt putting their footsteps on the moon. Harrison Schmitt was the twelfth and last person to have stepped onto the Moon.

Yet, the deeper secrets of our lunar orb remain to be unveiled...

View the Apollo 11 landing in Google Moon

Watch the video by Kipp Teague of Neil Armstrong's famous first step

Watch NOVA to view an intimate portrait of Neil Armstrong
through interviews with his family and friends


View the Apollo 11, Anniversary celebration.
Resources to help you commemorate Apollo 11



A lthough modern scientists are now able to probe the Moon's surface, the Moon holds a rich cultural, and symbolic history that transcends the teachings of any specific culture, or for that matter any specific time. The mechanisms remain the same, even though our understanding of its nature has increased. For everything that is manifest, there is something that remains hidden!.

Enjoy the mystery............
Your host, a "Moon Child"

Blonde A photo of your host. (15K)

Speaker Brief wave file greeting from your host. (31K)


The Moon In Religion

Moon Gods, Godesses,
Traditions & Astrology

Moon In Ancient History

Ancient Calendars
and Observatories

The Moon In Modern History

Moon Landings
and Discoveries

The Physical Moon
and Its History

Moon History and
Lunar Phenomena

Moon Legends
and Tales

The Moon in Literature
including the Moon
in Science Fiction

The Moon In The Arts

* Popular Moon Songs
and Lyrics
* Poetry Readings
and Moon Art


Interesting Moon Links

"Lunar 2017 Glow-in-the-Dark Wall Calendar"
by Universe Publications

(This one's a Honey!)

Interesting books about the Moon you can buy.
Great gifts for the new year!

If you really want to see the moon,

Learn to build your own telescope!


Visit the Micro Observatory (an online telescope that you control)

Watch a Full Year of the Moon (Phases) in Five Minutes


Native American Indian Moons - Did You Know That...

The full moon on March 23 is called the 'Breaking Up Of Snowshoes Moon' (by the Ojibway tribe)
The following full moon is on April 22 2025 and it is known as the 'Great Spirit Moon' by the Ojibway tribe

Current Phase of the Moon

The Moon is New

Today's date: Saturday, March 29, 2025

The Moon is 0 days old today

Next New Moon: Sunday, April 27, 2025

Next Full Moon: Sunday, April 13, 2025


Fun Moon Fact #483:

Did you know that the Moon is mentioned exactly
171 times throughout the collected works of William Shakespeare?

Wow, there was a Full "Blue Moon" on New Year's Eve 2009,
and a Lunar Eclipse to boot! We had a beautiful
"Blue Moon" on July 31, 2015,
but did you know there won't be another Blue Moon until January 31, 201

Learn about Blue Moons.


Watch: Bob Dylan play his version of the popular Moon Song "Blue Moon"

Fun Moon Fact #377:

Did you know there was a beautiful 'Christmas Moon' on Xmas 2015?
This rare event won't happen again until 2034.

Watch: Emmy The Great & Tim Wheeler play their song Christmas Moon



Learn about the Full Christmas Moon from NASA.

Can You Catch The Moon?
Watch the video.

There is nothing you can see that is not a flower;
there is nothing you can think that is not the moon.
~ Matsuo Basho

© 1996-2017 Cheryl Robertson at Moonlight Systems
All Rights Reserved
Click here for Copyright information
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If you like what you see drop me some mail!

Last Updated: Dec 10, 2016