- The Somnium or "The Dream"
- Written by Johannes Kepler, between 1615 and 1629
- Kepler tried to make the rotation of the Earth plausible at a time when the Earth was believed to stand still. He imagined a journey to the Moon where space travelers standing on the lunar surface could observe the Earth rotate slowly in the sky above them.
- A Voyage to the Moon.
- Written by George Tucker, 1775-1861. First published in 1827.
Reprinted by E. Bliss, 1975, Boston:
Gregg Press, (new preface by David G. Hartwell).
- The Moon Hoax: (A Discovery that the Moon Has a Vast
- Population of Human Beings.)
- Written by Richard Adams Locke, 1800-1871.
Reprinted 1975- Boston: Gregg Press, (new introduction by
Ormond Seavey).
- From the Earth to the Moon.
Jules Verne, 1865.
You can read the full text of the online version here
- The Conquest of the Moon;
A Story of the Bayouda. - New York: Arno Press; 1875.
- The First Men in the Moon. Herbert George Wells.
- London: Newnes, 1901.